

Art Workshops for Children at the National Gallery

During the school year the National Gallery in Prague holds regular on-site art workshops for older children, and for younger children accompanied by their parents, where children can learn about fine arts and art techniques.

The National Gallery’s fine arts workshops are designed for children to learn about the basic language of fine arts by examining works of art, learning fine art techniques, and experimenting with art under the leadership of experienced instructors – all amongst original works of art on display at Veletržní Palace. The workshops are a great way for children to think creatively and to express their thoughts and feelings through visual means. The National Gallery offers playrooms for younger kids (one and a half to five years old), regular studio workshops for older children, creative weekend workshops, and summer studio workshops. More detailed information about all of these activities can be found on the National Gallery website.

  • Address

    Veletržní Palác,Dukelských Hrdinů 47,Praha 7

  • Phone

    +420 224 301 007

  • Web

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