

Hotel Avion

Situated in the center of the lovely city of Brno is the historic Hotel Avion.

This gem of Functionalist architecture is intriguing due to it's sleek modern design, as well as the fact that it is a very narrow building – it was constructed on land with a frontage of only 8 meters. The Hotel Avion was designed by architect Bohuslav Fuchs (1895 – 1972) – famed architect who created many Functionalist style buildings in the city of Brno and taught architecture at the Brno University of Technology. After the building was completed it functioned as a stylish hotel with only 50 rooms for guests and a ground floor cafe open to the public. In the 1960s Hotel Avion became a registered building, protecting it from future demolition. Unfortunately this wonderful little hotel has been closed for years due to the fact that it is in urgent need of costly renovations and the current owner Stanislav Berousek (of National Circus Berousek fame) has not been able to secure such funds, or sell the property. Berousek purchased the hotel in 2005 and then closed the hotel for a reconstruction project to be headed by famed Czech architect Eva Jiřičná. Hotel Avion was added to the list of the Czech Republic's national cultural monuments in 2010. Today it sits empty, patiently awaiting its renovation. 

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