


Located on the famous shopping street of Pařížská is Gioia, a boutique selling beautiful fine jewelry creations.

Gioia showcases jewelry of exceptional design and quality; with Gioia jewelry every woman will feel more beautiful, more sexy and more confident… and as the pieces are timeless in their elegant, sleek design, each and every woman can wear Gioia jewelry, regardless of their personal style. The Gioia brand was founded in 2014 by Pavlína Němcová, top model, actress and philanthropist; this Renaissance woman was always intrigued by design, citing it as her passion and joy. Her take on jewelry and the Gioia brand: “Happiness means that a heart of metal isn't necessarily a heart of stone. Gioia beats for you, Gioia means joy. Gioia means jewelry that is alive… and you're alive with it.” It is interesting to note that each and every piece is produced by hand by a Czech goldsmith – this jewelry isn't mass produced like so many pieces on the market. Gioia works only with the best materials, including white, yellow and rose gold, and fine diamonds. Because all of the jewelry pieces are created meticulously by hand, each piece is ultimately its own masterpiece – unique and beautiful. The Gioia boutique on the world famous Pařížská Street is open by appointment only. For further information, please have a look on Gioia's user-friendly website.


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Daniela Komatović

Daniela Komatović

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