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- Jiří Švestka Gallery
Jiří Švestka Gallery
Focusing on Czech and Central European contemporary art, the Jiří Švestka Gallery is Prague's leading independent gallery.
Founded in 1995 as one of the first private galleries in Prague, the main goal of the gallery is to promote upcoming young talents, mainly from the Czech Republic but also abroad, to a global audience throughout the art world. The Jiří Švestka Gallery has organized numerous art exhibitions in its art space – exhibitions that showcase the best of what the Czech and Central European artists have to offer when it comes to contemporary art. Not only does the gallery promote art awareness here, but also abroad where it takes part in over 20 international art fairs on a regular basis. The Jiří Švestka Gallery is housed in a lovely building on Janáčkovo nábřeží, in the immediate vicinity of the tranquil Smíchov riverbank, the business and commercial zone of Anděl as well as Palacký Square. The gallery offers the possibility of private viewing for those who wish to select and/or view art in private. If you belong to contemporary European art lovers, do not miss a visit to the Jiří Švestka Gallery.

Janáčkovo nábřeží 5,Praha 5
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