



Byt 2+kk Bratislava III, Ružinov, Bajkalská


  • Podlahová plocha

    50 m²

Zaujala mě nemovitost

V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se na nás můžete kdykoliv obrátit a my Vás budeme kontaktovat.

Děkujeme za Váš zájem

Ozveme se Vám co nejdříve. Pokud si nás mezitím přejete kontaktovat telefonicky, jsme k zastižení na čísle +420 257 328 281.

Byt, 2+kk

Practically furnished 2-bedroom apartment with a view in the modern III Towers project with its own fitness center, reception, and roof garden. The surrounding area offers everything you need for an active life - relaxation, shopping, entertainment, and sports or cultural activities. In walking distance, there is a shopping center called Vivo, a swimming pool, a sports hall Pasienky, a football stadium, lake Kuchajda and Štrkovec, and the NTC center.

The 1-bedroom apartment is divided into the entrance hall, living room with kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathroom, and separate toilet. In the hallway, there are two built-in wardrobes, which provide plenty of storage space. The apartment is equipped with a furnished kitchen with appliances (including a dishwasher, oven, and microwave); in the living room, there is a quality leather sofa and LCD TV. The bedroom is equipped with a double bed and a wardrobe. The bathroom has a bathtub and washing machine, and the toilet is separate from its own sink.

The 1-bedroom apartment is divided into the entrance hall, living room with kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathroom, and separate toilet. In the hallway, there are two built-in wardrobes, which provide plenty of storage space. The apartment is equipped with a furnished kitchen with appliances (including a dishwasher, oven, and microwave); in the living room, there is a quality leather sofa and LCD TV. The bedroom is equipped with a double bed and a wardrobe. The bathroom has a bathtub and washing machine, and the toilet is separate from its own sink.

The apartment is over-lit on the 9th floor of 24 with three quick lifts. The standard of the apartment consists of aluminum windows and fire safety doors. For added security, each of the towers has its own reception with 24-hour security guard service monitoring the entrance as well as the common areas. On the 5th floor, each tower has its own fitness centre, meeting room and lounge directly connected to the roof garden exclusively for residents. On the ground floor of the residential complex III Towers there are a pizzeria, steak house, grocery store, ATM, among others. Parking is available underground and on three floors above ground.

Interior 54 m2

Monthly rent 650 EUR + 200 EUR monthly deposit for common house services, water, heating and electricity consumption + 100 EUR parking

Pokračovat ve čtení


  • Internet
  • Vstup na magnetické karty
  • Výtahy
  • Otevíratelná okna
  • Fitness
  • Parkování

Přehledová tabulka

  • Referenční číslo

  • Měsíční nájemné

  • Poplatky za služby

  • Podlahová plocha *

    50 m²
  • Balkón

    4 m²
  • Celková plocha

    54 m²
  • Parkování

    1 parkovací místo
  • Sklep

  • PENB

  • Ke stažení

Kontaktujte nás

V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se na nás můžete kdykoliv obrátit a my Vás budeme kontaktovat.

Děkujeme za Váš zájem

Ozveme se Vám co nejdříve. Pokud si nás mezitím přejete kontaktovat telefonicky, jsme k zastižení na čísle +420 257 328 281.

Podívejte se také na další byty v lokalitě Bratislavský kraj

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