



Byt 3+kk Bratislava I, Staré Mesto, Bernolákova


  • Celková plocha

    87 m²

Zaujala mě nemovitost

V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se na nás můžete kdykoliv obrátit a my Vás budeme kontaktovat.

Děkujeme za Váš zájem

Ozveme se Vám co nejdříve. Pokud si nás mezitím přejete kontaktovat telefonicky, jsme k zastižení na čísle +420 257 328 281.

Byt, 3+kk

Urban apartment in original condition with balcony is located on the 4th floor of a residential building with an elevator near Račianske mýta. The current condition provides room for modification of the layout according to the new owner's wishes. 

The layout of the apartment consists of an entrance hall with separate toilet, hallway, spacious kitchen with balcony, one through room, another room, bathroom and storage. In the apartment there is another smaller room with a window, usable as a small guest bedroom or storage space. The layout of the apartment can be adjusted by reconstruction. 
The standard of the apartment includes wooden parquet floors, windows, doors, everything in original condition including kitchen and bathroom equipment. The apartment has currently been completely cleaned and painted. Located on the 4th floor of a residential building with elevator with orientation to a quiet park. 
Convenient location near Račianske mýta offers complete amenities at your fingertips and also opportunities for quiet walks in the adjacent parks. There are kindergartens, schools, university, shops, cafes, restaurants, theatres and also medical facilities in the vicinity. Public transport stops within walking distance, connection to the motorway is available within 5 minutes by car.

The layout of the apartment consists of an entrance hall with separate toilet, hallway, spacious kitchen with balcony, one through room, another room, bathroom and storage. In the apartment there is another smaller room with a window, usable as a small guest bedroom or storage space. The layout of the apartment can be adjusted by reconstruction. 
The standard of the apartment includes wooden parquet floors, windows, doors, everything in original condition including kitchen and bathroom equipment. The apartment has currently been completely cleaned and painted. Located on the 4th floor of a residential building with elevator with orientation to a quiet park. 
Convenient location near Račianske mýta offers complete amenities at your fingertips and also opportunities for quiet walks in the adjacent parks. There are kindergartens, schools, university, shops, cafes, restaurants, theatres and also medical facilities in the vicinity. Public transport stops within walking distance, connection to the motorway is available within 5 minutes by car.

Pokračovat ve čtení


  • Výtah
  • Vstup na magnetické karty
  • Balkon
  • Sklep


Přehledová tabulka

  • Referenční číslo

  • Prodejní cena

  • Podlahová plocha *

    79 m²
  • Balkón

    1 m²
  • Celková plocha

    87 m²
  • Parkování

  • Sklep

    7 m²
  • PENB

  • Ke stažení

Kontaktujte nás

V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se na nás můžete kdykoliv obrátit a my Vás budeme kontaktovat.

Děkujeme za Váš zájem

Ozveme se Vám co nejdříve. Pokud si nás mezitím přejete kontaktovat telefonicky, jsme k zastižení na čísle +420 257 328 281.

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