

  • Real Estate News
  • Rough Construction of the Fragment Building Has Reached the Midway Point

Rough Construction of the Fragment Building Has Reached the Midway Point


During the summer, work on the Fragment residential project made great strides. Construction work has now reached the fifth floor, and so it’s now possible to visualize in far better detail how the building will look once it will be finished. Along with the development on the site, the final form of the sculptures is also beginning to take shape.

As part of the work on the monolithic structure, ceilings and walls from the third to fifth floors were poured and lined. The sculptures are also moving forward—discussions are currently underway between Trigema, Qarta, and David Černý over their final form and placement. Plans for the landscaping around the building are also being finalized. A pleasant backdrop of greenery will be created.

Upon completion, which is scheduled for the fall of 2022, Fragment will offer 140 premium, fully furnished apartments for rent. Rough construction of the building will be finished at the end of the year and the sculptures will be added to the site in June of next year. The Trigema group is the project’s investor, developer, and builder.

More information about the Fragment project.


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