

Excavation of the New Ponds in the Popický Pond Area Now Complete


At the beginning of the year, the Svoboda & Williams real estate company supported the Wetlands Association, which was founded in 2011 to improve the marsh’s soil water retention abilities and protect its endangered species, most of which are amphibians. The association used the funds to build new ponds around the Popický Pond area in Vysočina.

 The Wetlands Association has managed to build 80 ponds since the summer, despite the fact that this year’s weather hasn’t been exactly favorable—frequent rainstorms don’t create ideal conditions for working in wetlands. Most of the new ponds are located in the Vysočina Region, which is where Popický Pond lies. Here, the association used the funds donated by Svoboda & Williams to excavate four ponds of various sizes. During the fall and winter, minor modifications will be made and the banks of the ponds will be reinforced with stones.

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