

  • Real Estate News
  • Representatives of Svoboda & Williams Met With a Delegation of the International Monetary Fund

Representatives of Svoboda & Williams Met With a Delegation of the International Monetary Fund


In early May, representatives of the Svoboda & Williams real estate agency met with a delegation of the International Monetary Fund. The meeting was part of an Article IV Consultation, the goal of which is to assess the state of the Czech economy and make recommendations for further development. During these regular missions, IMF experts meet with representatives of public institutions and as well as a number of private entities.

The IMF facilitates monetary collaboration on an international scale, ensures the stability of exchange rates, and supports states that are going through an economic crisis. This important organization of 189 states explicitly requested a meeting with representatives of Svoboda & Williams due to their long-term experience with the Czech premium residential real estate market and their partnership with Christies's International Real Estate. Since the premium segment is always the first to be impacted by economic changes, the delegation found it relevant to meet with the representatives of a company that has been active in this area for a long time. The meeting took place at Offices Unlimited, an affiliate of Svoboda & Williams.

Senior Research Analyst Jana Volavková, Business Director Cyril Dejanovski, and Chief Financial Officer Petr Demel from Svoboda & Williams met with IMF experts. They prepared a twenty-minute presentation summarizing the current development of the residential and commercial real estate markets, which was followed by a discussion on the delegation’s key topics. “We were able to inform them about everything from purely economic issues, such as the factors that influence the growth of real estate prices, the situation in construction, or the lack of new apartments, to the generation of millennials and how they are changing the demand for residential properties. All in all, it was a very good meeting,” said Jana Volavková.

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