Petřín Tower

A popular destination of all Prague residents and tourists alike, whether they are couples in love, families with children or friends is Petřín hill with its lookout tower, funicular, mirror maze and other interesting attractions. If the sun is shining outside, do not hesitate a single minute and set off for Petřín!

Petřín is mainly formed by rock and marlstone that was mined here in the past and was used for the construction of Prague houses. Until the 14th century there was an execution ground on Petřín that was moved to the Vítkov Hill when Emperor Charles IV. built the famous Hunger Wall on the hill – you can admire its remnants still to this day. Petřín is connected with many famous personalities, among others the Czech poet Karel Hynek Mácha, who was born near Petřín and whose bronze statue by Josef Václav Myslbek can be found on the hill. In 1891 the construction of the Petřín lookout tower that is a miniature Eiffel Tower was completed on the top of the hill some 324 meters above the sea level. This 63,5 meters high Prague landmark offers beautiful views of the panorama of Prague. When the day is clear you can see even as far as Sněžka Mountain in Krkonoše, the highest peak in the Czech Republic. However, before you can enjoy these stunning views you have to climb 229 steps. If you are a person with limited mobility, you can reach the top of the Petřín tower comfortably in a lift. Should you feel hungry after the visit of the tower, we recommend having a picnic on one of Petřín’s many slopes. We guarantee that both you and your children will have fond memories of such a pleasant afternoon.

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