

St. Cross Rotunda

The second oldest rotunda in Prague, St. Cross Rotunda is from the end of the 11th century.

The rotunda was fortunately saved from demolition in the 19th century and was renovated from 1862-1865 by Architect V. Ullman and painter B. Waschsmann. Originally the structure had only one window, two were added during the repairs. J. Manes added the decorative circular cast iron railing. A macabre story is attached to the history of the rotunda. There used to be a pond where the structure sits today. A young girl who defied her parents religiously was crucified and thrown into the water. The next day a cross mysteriously rose above the pond. Apparently during renovations the cross was found in the foundation of the rotunda.

  • Address

    Karoliny Světlé, Praha 1

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