

Architecture and Design

Here at Lifestyle we would like to guide you through the multi faceted levels of architecture and design in the gorgeous capital of Prague by introducing the city’s top architects, designers, home interior design boutiques and more. Of course the city wouldn’t be the architecture and design mecca it is today without the awe-inspiring course of architectural history that has occurred. Architecture gave the city of Prague fame and the title of one of the best destinations in Europe. In this city of winding cobblestone streets and beautifully preserved neighborhoods you will find an array of architecture starting with Romanesque and continuing all the way through the ages to Contemporary. The structure of the city was blessed during WWII as Prague suffered only a few blows from German bombs. Unlike most of the other large cities in Central Europe Prague was left intact and what was thankfully spared is a city where you can walk down a single street and see Baroque, Art Deco and even Functionalist buildings. With such an amazing array of architecture present it is then of no wonder that the number of high quality Czech and international architectural firms and designers in Prague is quite high. The city of Prague boasts an array of talented architects and designers, ensuring that whatever your style and taste, there is something available for everyone.