

Family houses for sale in Central Bohemia, Prague East, Ricany

Family houses for sale in Central Bohemia, Prague East, Ricany

If you are looking for houses for sale in the vicinity of Prague, you might be interested in our offer of houses for sale in and around the town of Říčany. Říčany is located right by the border of Prague, southeast of Prague's city center and is thus ideal for all those who need to commute to Prague but at the same time want to live far away from the hustle and bustle of the city center. Living in a smaller town such as Říčany brings about multiple advantages as opposed to living downtown, be it better air-quality, slower and calmer life-pace or easier access to natural locations. The houses for sale which we advertise here might therefore be interesting to all those searching for quiet living with their whole family. With a luxurious Říčany house or villa chosen from our real-estate catalogue, each member of your family will be sure to have enough space for their individual needs and interests. Take a look at the houses for sale in Říčany in our property catalogue and let us know if any of them catches your interest.