

Apartments for Sale in South Moravia

Apartments for Sale in South Moravia

The South Moravian Region, previously called the Brno Region, spans over major part of the historical region of Morava, in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. Two small parts of this region cover areas that belonged to the historical region of Bohemia and Lower Austria. In this part of the Svoboda & Williams catalogue, we would like to present you with the best of apartments for sale in South Moravia, a region whose capital is Brno, is the 2nd largest city in the republic. Presented apartments for sale are located in Brno as well as in other, smaller cities of the South Moravian Region, which are not a metropolis like Brno, however, will surely please those who long for living in a peaceful, pictorial location. The South Moravian Region has a lot to offer and is famous for sunny weather, vineyards and several protected natural areas, such as the Podyjí National Park, the Pálava Landscape Park, the White Carpathians biosphere reservation and also the well-known Moravian Karst with the most famous Macocha Gorge. Moreover, the presented apartments for sale in Brno and other Moravian cities lie within reach of historical gems, which attract crowds of visitors from all corners of the Czech Republic and abroad every year. To those gems belong, among others, all dominants of Brno, such as the Špilberk Castle, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul and the Villa Tugendhat, which was justly designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001. The list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites includes also the Lednice–Valtice Cultural Landscape, a cultural and natural complex, which is livened up by cultural and wine festivals quite regularly. Apartments for sale in Morava offer also a great access to near European cities (Vienna, Bratislava) and direct highway connection to Prague. Should you be interested in any of the offered apartments for sale in South Moravia, kindly contact us for further information.

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