

Prague Farmers Markets

Markets are simply thriving in Prague. Everywhere throughout the city you can witness Praguers jumping on the health food band wagon and buying local, organic, bio health food. This wonderful trend has led to various farmers markets popping up in various Prague neighborhoods to the delight of residents and visitors. At Prague farmers markets you can find everything from fresh produce, freshly baked goods, meat, fish, cheese, wine, beer and more – most of which is from local farms in the Czech Republic. Some markets even sell flowers and handmade items such as wicker baskets, soap and the like. If you are interested in leading a healthy lifestyle why not visit a local Prague market today? We guarantee you will not find better products elsewhere – give back to the community, decrease your carbon footprint and simply eat well – at Prague's farmers markets! As an extra added bonus some markets also provide entertainment. Please have a look at the select Prague markets we recommend, listed below. There you will find descriptions, helpful contact and map information and colorful photographs.