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- Prague
- Health and Beauty
- Medical Centers
- Malvazinky Castle Clinic
Malvazinky Castle Clinic
The Malvazinky Castle Clinic located only a three-minute drive from Prague's Anděl is a private medical facility of a high standard providing outpatient care in many medical fields.
The clinic offers its clients care from excellent specialists in a wide range of expertise, an individual approach, services tailored to your needs and requirements with no waiting time, and many other advantages. It cooperates with other hospitals and thermal spas and welcomes its clients in a modern stylish environment with top-class equipment. You will find here various specialists in the fields such as otorhinolaryngology, internal medicine, gynecology, stomatology, dermatology, psychology, urology, cardiology, ophthalmology, general practitioners and others. Patients have three types of medical care at their disposal that are different in the extent of provided advantages – Start 2 Care, Care Plus and Royal Care. In case of necessary inpatient care it is provided in the partner facility Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic that offers comprehensive healthcare and is one of the most modern medical facilities in Europe. The Malvazinky Castle Clinic is well accessible and is located only a few minutes from the city center.
U Malvazinky 7,Praha 5