Visit the Pokojík design concept store in Brno where you can purchase and enjoy the beautiful things in life.
According to Pokojík, beauty should be a basic service for all, which is why they created an exceptional design showroom filled to the brim with gorgeous design objects and fashion & accessories in Brno. At Pokojík you can find exciting products from Czech and foreigner designers, brands, and even their own products. The design showroom operates on a simple principle of selection, presentation and sale of thematic collections, assembled throughout the year. Due to the limited time of each collection, regular customers will always be surprised with something new and fantastic – not to fret though; the design shop does keep a stock of certain items that are not temporary. The design selection at Pokojík includes clothing, jewelry, home accessories, stationary, gardening products, and more; all of the products are both beautiful and practical, not to mention unique (they offer a unique unseen elsewhere selection of brands and designers). Furthermore the design products have a clear origin, with the shop staff members personally knowing most designers. Besides selling awesome design products, Pokojík offers design tailored wrapping of their goods, and consulting and styling for individual clients or businesses.

Smetanova 45,602 00
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