Ulysses' Cove is an entire peninsula for sale in Ithaca. The magnificent over 1,000,000 sq. m. property is full of forested land and a long coastline with hidden bays and several different types of beaches.
The property currently includes nine houses built in the 1960s with playfully bright interiors and gardens with al fresco dining areas right by a beach. The interiors consist of foyers, living rooms with fireplaces, formal dining rooms, nine bedrooms, eight bathrooms, two kitchens, staff quarters, and out buildings.
The land has hills and plateaus with pristine nature and views of the deep blue Ionian Sea. Its eight beaches provide access to the water and numerous aquatic sports activities, and a typical Greek boat docked at a pier is part of the offer to make day trips even easier.
This private slice of paradise is in a secluded part of Ithaca, the home of Homer's hero Odysseus. The island's history goes back to the 4th century B.C.E. Explore the picturesque villages, churches, tavernas, and coastline in this authentic part of Greece, on foot, by bike, or by boat.
Built-up area: 848 sq. m., land: over 100 ha.